Getting Grantee Buy-in

Strategies for Funders to Create Alignment around Data

In today’s increasingly data-driven funding environment, more and more funders are providing data collection and visualization tools to grantees. This allows funders to better understand the impact of their efforts across all grantees, while also helping them develop their data management capacity.

However, in order for this approach to work, funders must create buy-in across the grantees who are gaining access to these tools and take proactive steps to help them develop the capacity to properly leverage their data collaboratively.

Getting Grantee Buy-in Report


Download the guide to learn how to shift your grantees' mindset around impact measurement data from “have to” to “want to,” together.

The Guide Includes:
  • A simple, 7-step approach to align grantees around core principles of impact measurement success
  • Examples of how 3 major foundations are using this approach to build data-driven cohorts that drive greater impact
    • Laureus Sport for Good Foundation
    • Foglia Family Foundation
    • Save The Music Foundation

Download the Guide